About us
The management and experienced professional employees of our company have for many years actively been involved in all the processes related to the out-of-court debt collection.
Cooperation is the key.
We are a co-founder of the Croatian Association of Debt Collection Agencies (Hrvatska udruga agencija za naplatu potraživanja, HUAN) and have as a member accepted and adopted positive regulations and ethics of FENCA, the Federation of European National Collection Associations, thus raising our debt collection services to the highest professional level. In 2011 we also became a member of the global association, ACA International, and this membership has contributed to our company’s work quality and efficiency. We are also a member of ECA – European Collectors Association.
Our mission
Our mission is to protect clients’ business activities, to offer high-quality and optimal solutions in the field of debt management and risk assessment and to create a reliable partner and socially responsible companies.
Out-of-court collection advantages:
- fast collection of due and outstanding debts (NPL decrease)
- cost decrease and control
- taking charge of peak burdens in collection (employee number optimisation)
- satisfied and long-term clients
Why Primasolvent?
We specialise in due debt collection in banking, insurance, credit card and telecommunication sectors in which we have been achieving exceptional results. Special tools with added value for the client have been developed for each sector, and these have also been confirmed and controlled by ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2013 standards implementation.