Their implementation of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2013 has ensured a continuous and high-level quality of the products and services and we have optimised our business process efficiency.
Big debts present a liquidity burden and jeopardize regular company activities.
The management and experienced expert employees of our company have for many years actively been involved in all the processes related to the out-of-court debt collection. The basic assumption of our model is that a debtor is also our client and that we have to use a professional approach towards our business partner in order to ensure a successful collection and a loyal client for the future.
All collection within our company has directly been linked to the efficiency following the “No collection, no provision” rule, thus providing transparency, control and cost/resource decrease for all our partners.
Basic out-of-court collection advantages:
- fast collection of due and outstanding debts (NPL decrease)
- cost decrease and control
- taking charge of peak burdens in collection (employee number optimisation)
- satisfied and long-term clients
- focusing sales channels to the main activity resulting in
- better sales results and taking control over larger market segment
Debt collection
Credit Insurance
By providing credit insurance brokerage service we complete the service we provide to our clients and we reduce the possibility of unwanted scenarios with unpaid delivered goods or services to the maximum extent. If you insure your receivables, you maximally reduce the inevitable risks almost all companies delivering goods or services encounter. Depending on a client portfolio and postponed payment deadlines, there are currently several credit insurance options present on the market. Feel free to contact us and we will provide the option that is best suited for your company.
Debt purchase service makes cash flow management more accurate; in specific industry branches it is easier to meet legal framework obligations and to offer one’s clients more favourable payment terms and cost transparency. Debt collection and administrative debt maturity tracking period are shortened and financial quality is improved by taking over due debts from the customers quickly and easily.
We thus provide our clients the following:
- bad debt relief
- capital adequacy ratio increase
- human and IT potential increase
- considerable cost saving
- immediate cash inflow and liquidity increase
- provisions reduction by selling bad loans
For more information, please contact us at
Debt Purchase
Company Creditworthiness and Value Assessment
Company creditworthiness is an evaluation, i.e. value assessment of company insolvency probability in the near future; in its broader sense, it refers to liquidity and credit rating evaluation, and in its broadest sense, it implies a comprehensive evaluation of a company position based on its final account and general situation in the company, together with all available and relevant information. The non-existence of an unambiguous creditworthiness results in different methods used to evaluate the company’s creditworthiness, and thus also in different types of evaluation.